About Aussie Expat Guide
Aussie Expat Guide is a leading web site that has been developed to meet the needs of Australians living overseas. Studies indicate that over 1,000,000 Australians are living overseas at any point in time, which is approximately 5% of the total population of Australia.
Based on 14 years of experience in dealing with Australian expats, we believe they have particular needs in relation to tax, financial and investment matters which are not addressed by most mainstream providers in Australia. The main objective of the Aussie Expat Guide web site is to provide basic information on expat related matters and to provide links to other web sites that may be of benefit in providing additional, more detailed information.
You can also contact us if you would like to be put in touch with a specialist provider who can address your needs on a fee for service basis.
Aussie Expat Guide is a commercial site with revenue being derived from a variety of sources including marketing and operational support from service providers, referral payments or commissions where appropriate, as well as advertising and sponsorship. None of this support results in any service costs to Aussie Expat Guide users except where the user seeks to engage with a firm to provide advice which is specific to their needs. The fees for that advice or assistance are outlined by the service provider prior to any advice or assistance being provided.