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Retiring To Australia

Most Australian expats I have met over the last 15 years have chosen to retire to Australia.The main reasons are:

  • Family and friends based in Australia.
  • Like the lifestyle / weather / available activities / scenery.
  • Excellent health care system.
  • Generous superannuation concessions mean that Australia is actually a low tax or no tax jurisdiction for most retirees.
  • Relatively safe compared to some overseas jurisdiction.
  • Patriotism – we’re proud Aussies!

Most Australian expats go overseas to (a) earn more money than they would have done in Australia (b) gain international experience (c) see new places and experience different cultures or a combination of all three.But when it comes time to retire, most Australian expats I know would regard Australia as the ‘lucky country’ and therefore a great place to spend their senior years.

The eBook provides a primer on the things that returning / retiring expats need to consider when returning to Australia.If you have any questions that are not answered in the eBook, then please contact the author using the following inquiry sheet.